Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Real Estate Websites Developer Releases Free Mortgage Keyword Tool

Nampa, Idaho - Real estate web developer Top Seller Sites released a new free mortgage keywords tool to help loan officers and mortgage brokers find the best keywords to target in their search engine marketing campaigns. The tool allows mortgage professionals to quickly and easily compile lists of up to 1,613 keywords for the localities and keyword modifier variations that will be important to their online marketing success.

Kevin Harper, SEO consultant and founder of Top Seller Sites, says that he built the tool primarily for his internal use in developing mortgage search engine optimization strategies for his clients, but wanted to share it freely with the mortgage community.

"Basically, Excel was becoming too cumbersome to compile keyword modifiers with cities, counties, states, and state abbreviations. I found that many keywords and grammatical structures were common to mortgage keywords, and decided to write a script to compile my keyword lists by checking off simple boxes."

It is very easy to use. Loan professionals simply select their state, Canadian province, or U.S. Territory. Then they enter up to twenty location names such as cities, counties, or neighborhoods, and select the keywords they want appended to the locations. Harper says the keyword choices come from years of experience doing mortgage and real estate SEO for clients in various markets.

"While our focus has always been real estate websites, a subset of our business is the mortgage industry, so we felt the time was right to build a tool to help our mortgage clients. This is expected to increased the use of the keyword tool dramatically as more mortgage professionals find out about it."

Harper says he hopes his large clientele of real estate agents will let their colleagues in the loan business know about the new tool.

How should a mortgage sales professional use the keyword list generated by the tool? That depends on the user's level of sophistication, according to Harper.

"We use the list along with Google's keyword research tool to identify opportunities for organic SEO that will benefit our clients by producing more targeted website traffic and leads. It can be used in blogging, article writing, and backlinking campaigns."

He says that more keyword choices will be offered in the future in response to his mortgage clients' needs. In the meantime, he encourages loan officers and mortgage brokers to use the site to come up with keyword combinations they hadn't thought of before and to check their website rankings with the free SEO software download.

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