Portland, OR - Portland REALTOR® David Somerville has published a list of Tips For Buyers To Close Fast on Bank Owned Portland Real Estate. He says that while many agents don't take the time to educate their clients, following a few simple guidelines leads to a much more satisfying buying experience.
In a market that sees a lot of Portland real estate transactions needlessly falling out of escrow, Somerville says that it is possible to not only close on time, but early, if a few simple steps are taken in advance.
"Number one on the list of ways to ensure a fast closing is to make an all cash offer. Of course, not everyone can do that, so I've put together some tips that many buyers will be able to take advantage of to expedite their closing."
The tips include:
1. Make an all cash offer
2. Sell your current home before making an offer on another one
3. Get preapproved with a mortgage broker, not just prequalified
4. If possible, get your loan from the bank that is selling the property
5. Tighten inspection timelines to 3 business days instead of the standard 10
6. Have mortgage broker order appraisal 2 business days after offer acceptance
7. Have certified funds to escrow prior to signing closing documents
8. Don't make any last minute credit purchases
For more detailed information on these tips, go to http://bit.ly/ojjgqb. For Portland real estate listings including The Pearl District and other Portland neighborhoods, go to http://www.maxwellsinclair.com.
For more information, please contact:
David Somerville
Prudential Northwest Properties
5 Centerpointe Dr. Suite 150
Lake Oswego, OR 97035